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Hotel restaurants Le Grand Turc

33, route Nationale 85140 L'Oie

  +33(0)2 51 66 08 74
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Formule Brasserie

All-you-can-eat buffet

The Formule Brasserie, ideal for a "Simple and Efficient" meal!

-To start, a Cold Buffet for starters, salads, raw vegetables, charcuterie, seafood, etc.
-Then, a selection of over 10 hot dishes, to suit all tastes! Which you can accompany with the Hot Buffet for side dishes.
-And last but not least, the Showcase of desserts.

- BONUS: Enjoy our terrace when the sun comes out!

Open Monday to Thursday from 12:00 to 14:30 and from 19:45 to 21:30, Friday from 12:00 to 14:00.

Closed Friday evenings, weekends and public holidays all year round.